
Day 48: Summer Reading Program

This reading program is super cool. It is through our local library, and the kids fill out a reading chart. For example, there are 9 stars in 3 different sections. For every 20 minutes the kids read or are read to, they get to color in a star. When they fill in the first section of stars they take their chart into the library and get their first prize. The picture above it the first prize. As you can see, we already used two of the coupons. The first one was a $5 toy from Once Upon A Child. The second one was a free kids meal at Del Taco. We did both of those the day the kids earned the first prize, and now we have other activities to plan based off the rest of the coupons! They will also earn a frisbee and a book for the next two sections, but I think they start with the coupons so that you have an entire summer to enjoy the free kid's meals and activities.

Do you have something like this in your town?

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