
Day 2: Mountain Song - Even the Name is Awesome

Claire's school is called Mountain Song. For my child who always has a song on her lips and is most at home on a hike in the mountains, the name couldn't be more fitting. This might be the number one reason for me to love Colorado Springs, and unlike the blossoms, it is unique to my town. It's a Waldorf charter school so instead of being a $6,000 - $10,000 a year in tuition, it is . . . . dun, dun, dun! FREE!

I mean, I'm not going to lie, there have been some roller coaster moments in this new school's life, but I feel beyond lucky that we have this option. I don't even know everything about Waldorf methods, but what I do know is that learning feels magical at this school and with this teacher. What I want to know is, why not? Why not choose magical over mundane?

This was Claire's class play performed tonight - The Root Children. It was 20 first-graders giving a group recitation of about 7 - 10 minutes with two songs interspersed. Below, that's Claire's very amazing teacher in the background congratulating another student on his performance as a snail. This teacher is completely genuine in his enthusiasm and love for the kids. He has fostered love, support, and trust between the kids in his class.

 We have met many like-minded families by participating in this community school. Claire has sweet friends, and they more than allow Avery and Blake to tag along in their adventures on the playground and farm after school. Yes, there is a farm at the school with pregnant goats, a gaggle of chickens, and several bunnies. The kids all participate in an agriculture arts class where they are up close and personal with the animals and the plants. Claire learned to finger knit this year in her handwork class. She made her own knitting needles. She comes home singing enchanting songs that they sing throughout the day - not just in music class. She, my bashful butterfly, performed in a class play.

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